Review SearchTrade - Part 2
What is SearchTrade?
is world’s first internet search company that turns users into stake
holders in the success of the platform by sharing revenue with users.
JOIN SearchTrade:
Search User

SearchTrade users earn bitcoins for every single search they make
through the website, once they have log into their accounts. Users can
earn bitcoins by choosing a variety of search applications listed on
SearchTrade App Market.
How does it work?
- Create an account
- Make a Search
- Start Earning
- Track earnings in the ST wallet
Search Mining Features
- Get paid for upto 40 searches a day
- Limited upto 10 Searches per hour
- Manage and track your earnings
- Payout based on income system generates per search
- Refer and earn when your friends search
How to become a Search Miner?
To become a Search Miner, you simply need to sign up with and start searching.
How do users conduct a search and get paid?
Once you have created an account, you simply have to login and earn Bitcoins, every time you make a search.
Are there any daily limits to searches?
users are allowed upto 40 paid searches per day not exceeding 10
searches per hour. Users can still carry on conducting searches post
allotted paid searches. System resets every 24 hours and new search
count gets updated at midnight GMT, which is displayed as “pending paid
What are the various opportunities & Incentives for a SearchTrade user?
time a search is made, the user receives payment in bitcoin through the
coin distribution program. At SearchTrade, users can also invest in
Keywords to increase their revenue. Search trade provides a platform for
developers to create third party search apps for other network users to
Keyword Owner

Keywords are queries one
enters in the search bar while using any search engine. SearchTrade
system turns these keywords into digital assets that generate income.
For example: say you are researching about an Iphone6. You type Iphone6
into the search engine. The search engine will then display relevant
results related to your search term – or keyword.
Listed Below are some features of keyword Mining:
Buying Keywords
Post the
final launch of SearchTrade, the company will sell keywords at
“” Every individual who are willing to purchase
keywords can register themselves in advance to buy it. The keywords will
be sold on a first come first serve basis based on slabs. Price will be
reduced after each slab since first buyers are prone to buy higher
performed words. 50% of proceeds will go into the pool and rest 50% into
development of SearchTrade.
Keyword Renewal
Keyword owners are
required to renew all the keywords they have purchased once a year for a
nominal fee. This is to ensure that the keyword owners are active and
participating on the platform. The nominal fee ensures continued
ownership of the keyword. If a person fails to pay the renewal fee on
the designated day, he will receive a notice to pay the fee within a
stipulated period of time failing which, his keyword ownership will be
terminated and the keyword will be claimed by SearchTrade and made
available in the Keyword Market Place.
Keyword Trading
Keyword trading is
similar to commodity trading. Both parties (buyer & seller) put in
their requirements in an auction and as in when they settle on a price,
the transaction takes place. The SearchTrade network is the medium where
the transaction takes place and acts as an escrow account which
minimizes all counterparty risk. For this service, the network charges a
transaction fee.
For example, Mr. A wishes to sell his keyword “apple” @ 2.5 BTC, he
will put the keyword on sale. At the same time, Mr. B wishes to buy the
same keyword @ 2.5 BTC so both parties will receive notifications
regarding the sale. Now in order to facilitate the sale, Mr. B has to
pay 2.5 BTC which will be held by the exchange and will only be credited
to Mr. A’s account when the ownership of the keyword has been
transferred from Mr. A to Mr. B.
Keyword Analytics
Keyword Analytics is a
service offered by SearchTrade. Keyword Analytics is the real-time data
performance of a particular keyword. It analyses relevant information,
including how many times a particular keyword has been searched, the
total revenue generated and its average daily earnings. This provides
the keyword owners with a detailed analysis of their keywords as well as
other existing keywords. The Keyword Analytics approach is to show
high-level, dashboard-type data for the casual user.
What are keywords?
are queries one enters in the search bar while using any search engine.
SearchTrade system turns these keywords into digital assets that
generate income. For example: say you are researching about an Iphone6.
You type Iphone6 into the search engine. The search engine will then
display relevant results related to your search term – or keyword.
Who is a keyword owner?
SearchTrade , keywords owner is anyone who purchases any word E.G
“Hotel” and is entitled to income every-time word he owns is searched as
part of any query made on SearchTrade search engine. Keyword are
digital assets that can be purchased and owned by individuals just like
domain names on SearchTrade platform.
How to own/buy the keywords?
Keywords can be purchased by paying in Bitcoins or other currencies matching the price of the offering on
How many keywords can a user buy?
is no specific limit defined for the purchase of keyword. Hence, user
can purchase unlimited keywords on SearchTrade platform.
How do keywords generate income for the owner?
Keyword owners are rewarded with bitcoins every time the keyword they own is searched by any user at
Can keywords be traded?
Yes, keywords can be traded on SearchTrade keyword marketplace for bitcoins by any SearchTrade user.
How is the value of a keyword determined?
Keywords value can be determined as per the search made for it on searchtrade.
For e.g. ; a keyword “maggi” is purchased at 50 bitcoins, and later
assume the search made on “maggi” is high and providing good rewards.
Now the owner can put the word “maggi” on sale at 100 bitcoins, and if
the person (buyer) is ready to buy the word at 100 bitcoins, as it’s
highly searched word, hence the keyword value is determined.
App Developers is a
platform which allows application developers to create innovative search
based apps and promote them on SearchTrade App Market. App Miners get
paid in bitcoin every time, the user search in the App developed by
them. Thus, making app owners is an integral part of the system. The search made on the application owned by a specific app owner helps him to earn in bitcoins.
Key Features
- Earn income from your app
- Track your income live
- Cash-out every 24 hrs
- Exposure to SearchTrade user
- Access SearchTrade analytics
How to Become App Miner?
- Signup as a user
- Fill up form on site & apply to be a app miner
- Wait for approval mail from SearchTrade
- We will Integrate your app API with SearchTrade
- Get Listed on SearchTrade App Market
How to become an App Miner?
SearchTrade is
a platform which allows application developers to create innovative
search based applications and promote their apps to create a new market
where they put up their applications. The App Developers have to
register themselves on the network and accept the developer agreement.
There is no registration fees. Once the developers complete the account
details they are eligible to integrate applications with SearchTrade .
How is SearchTrade beneficial for app developers?
incentives for application developer is, they will get 1/4th share of
the coin distribution program. Any search made on the application owned
by a specific app owner will help him earn SearchTrade and bitcoins
through the Coin Distribution Program. For example – “A” is an app
developer. “B” is a user who search on A’s application. By this activity
of search the app developer will earn Bitcoins as search made is on A’s
How do I track the performance of my Application?
performance of the Application can be tracked at SearchTrade analytics.
It shows the number of search the application receive and the revenues
generated by the application.
How much revenue is distributed to the App Developers?
Application developers will get 1/4th share from the coin distribution
program which is funded by income generated from AD Sales and other
income sources.
SearchTrade Wallet
SearchTrade wallet is the main holder of all incomes and incentives provided to the users, keyword owners and app developers. It stores bitcoins that you earn on the netwrok. Thus, acting as a base for every activity at SearchTrade . A wallet is something that “stores the digital credentials for your bitcoin holdings and “allows you to access (and spend) them”. This wallet will contain the main Search App Marketplace under which there will be specialized search apps. This wallet will also include keyword trading section which will make it very easy for any keyword owner to trade.
Are there any charges to open a SearchTrade wallet?
No, there are no chargers for opening a SearchTrade wallet.
Do we need to keep a minimal amount of bitcoin to keep the wallet active?
No, once signed up , wallet will remain active.
Will there be different wallets for keyword owner and app developers?
No, there will only be one wallet for users , keyword owners and app developers.
How will the app developer get his incentives?
All the incentives of the developer will be directly linked to his wallet .
Payout Pool

SearchTrade works on a cooperative model. The coin distribution program is the key feature of this model. The revenues our company generates with the ad programs and transactions are pooled together on the network. We use this pool to redistribute our profits amongst all the participants. Each participant is entitled to 1/4th part of the distribution program. They are, the users of the network, keyword owners, app developers and the network itself.
How does SearchTrade generate revenue?
generates revenue from the sale of keyword, commission on trading the
keyword, renewal of the keyword and from the ad program.
How is the revenue generated by the network put to use?
revenue generated by SearchTrade is pooled together and then
distributed equally amongst the participants for every search that takes
place on the site.
Who are the eligible recipients for the coin distribution program?
eligible recipients for the coin distribution program are the users,
the keyword owners, the app developers and the network .
What is the share each participant will receive in the coin distribution program?
Each recipients is entitled to 1/4th share of the revenue generated from the revenue distribution program.
Search Apps Market
What is SearchTrade app marketplace?
SearchTrade app
marketplace is an online store designed to help people and
organizations to discover, and use integrated third party search apps.
What are SearchTrade Applications?
Applications are cluster of specialized search based mobile/web apps
which users can download to make their search queries.
What makes SearchTrade apps exclusively different from other App stores?
Search Apps provides relevant and specific search results for your
queries and for every search on SearchTrade apps, you will earn
Where is SearchTrade app market available?
SearchTrade app market is available both on desktop and smart phones.
Is there any cost for using SearchTrade apps?
All apps are free of cost, In fact users get paid
ST Ad Program
The Internet’s
vast reach can allow advertisers to reach significantly more people
than traditional advertising media. You can reach a growing audience of
people using mobile phones, tablets & desktop by showing your ads in
various SearchTrade Mobile & Web Apps
- Reach the exact audience you want with specialized Search Apps
- Simple payment options
- Measurable and Accountable
- Benefit from our Insights
- The Advertisement is targeted based on the Search Result, the user’s geographical location, and other filters
- Advertisers have to bid for selected keywords and buy advertisements and every time that keyword is entered, the respective ad will be displayed
- Advertisers will bid for visibility for selected keywords which will be one of the main revenue stream for the network.
What is SearchTrade Advertising Program?
Ad program is similar to the Google Adsense. Advertisers have to bid
for selected keywords and buy advertisements and every time that keyword
is entered, the respective ad will be displayed.
How does the Ad program work?
advertisers can set their ads to appear to potential customers as we
have specialized searching. For example, if the ad is related to hotels
he can just display his ad on the SearchHotel application.
How much does it cost?
advertisers can either choose a CPC(cost per click – where they only
pay when their ad is opened) or CPM(cost per mille – where they pay for
every thousand displays of their ad) or any other available filters and
How to buy advertisements?
The advertisements can be bought using Bitcoins or fiat money.
Where will the ads be displayed?
appear alongside or above search results, in sections marked “Sponsored
links”, as well as on other partner websites. Your ads can appear on a
desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone.
Why SearchTrade Ad program?
Ad program provides specialized advertising through search applications
and location. It aims at providing targeted visibility. Advertisers can
choose their mode of payment as well as compensation methods (either
CPC or CPM). Also u can track your ads performance through SearchTrade
analytics and customize your package accordingly.
Referral Program
What is SearchTrade referral ?
SearchTrade Affiliate
program is a unique way for user to earn commission by referring our
product to his friends. User will earn commission in two ways:-
- On Search: – Every time the referee searches any keyword referrer will receive 10%commission from his search earnings.
- On Keyword Purchase: – Every time the referee purchases any keyword, referrer willreceive 7.5% commission as referral earnings. Also the referee will receive 7.5%cash back on his first purchase. Provided the keyword is purchased from communitypool of SearchTrade and not by trading.
Do I get referral commission on all purchases made by the user?
you will get paid on all purchases made by the user. However, the user
will be eligible for 7.5% cashback only on his first purchase.
How much can I earn?
Our Current payout percentages is as mentioned below-
- Keyword Referral percentage – 7.5%
- First Buy Cashback percentage – 7.5%
- Search Referral Earning – 10%
How much do I have to pay to join the program?
There is no subscription fee involved in joining the Affiliate Program.
Is there any limit to refer participants in this program?
There is no limit to the number of customers you can refer.
JOIN SearchTrade:
Read: Review Searchtrade - Part 1
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